1. Did you know that when I was little and we lived in Santa Cruz that my Dad worked as a cook at a place called The Crepe Place? (Well…now you do!) Yummm…crepes :)

  2. nee.coleoleoleoleoleoleoleoleeee

    mmmmmmmmmm…………CARRRRRBSSS…..agghhhagghhaggahhh [that’s the Homer.Drooling noise, in case you were wondering…]

  3. hygiene people – hygiene. has this guy ever heard of wearing gloves?

    big hairy arms and hands preparing my food = Yummy! :)

    they do look good but i would of had to leave if I saw this hairy dude making my food with his bare hands!

  4. Mike: You are absolutely right. Normally, Gemma and I are the kind of people to turn and sprint away from places like this, but somehow we kept coming back. Maybe that’s because all the crepe places are (at best) equally (un)clean. Believe it or not, this guy was the most hygienic of all the guys who worked at this stand.

  5. allie p

    Justin & Gemma,
    Thanks for giving all CLU alums a chance to tag along on your honeymoon…saw the CLU magazine & jumped for joy. I JUST knew that your site would be fabby. Okay, there is a crepe place in San Francisco and I’m wondering if it’d be acceptably absurd to march in with my macbook and ask the GLOVED & BONNETTED employee to watch the video and duplicate that freakin’ awesome little bundle of goodness!!

    Allison Pilmer